- The Avengers
- The good parts of The Walking Dead (the bad, soap opera parts would make my "Worst of ..." list).
- Mike Daniel sings "Ramblin' Man" while wearing five shock collars.
- The Passive Voice blog
- THE BUTTFUMBLE (and the Jets circus in general)
- XKCD's "Click and Drag"
- 11/22/63
- My new Keurig
- Ted
- The Zombies, Run! app
- Maroon 5's "Payphone" video
- Getting back into size 38 pants.
- Nate Silver kickin' wholesale ass.
- The Halo 4 campaign (Chief, you inspire me!) Also, Forward Unto Dawn.
- The full YouTube walkthrough of Binary Domain ... damn, this game should've been bigger. Faye is now my favorite video game babe of all time.
- Dayum, dayum, dayum!
- Gaining some actual fans of my writing. That's a weird feeling.
- Joe Hill and Nathan Fillion on Twitter
- The new Target that opened up a few miles from my house. We're through, Wal-Mart.
- These rugged good looks of mine (just seeing if you're still paying attention).
- Guy jumps into frozen pool, because it's hilarious and I saw it when it only had 2,000 views (23 million + now)
- The last Twilight film. Not the movie itself, but because it's over.
- TheRadBrad
- Dunkin' Donuts pumpkin spice coffee
- Cat completely fails a jump
- Wreck-It Ralph in a D-Box theater. Rise of the Guardians was great, too.
- Living to see 2013. That's a big one.
You've somehow stumbled upon the page of Dan DeWitt, genre-hopping author of the zombie thriller ORPHEUS, the Norse mythology adventure ODINSONS, and the horror short-story collection UNDERNEATH. There's lots more where those came from, so stick around.
Monday, December 31, 2012
My personal, totally random, completely non-comprehensive "Best of 2012" list.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
100-Word Review: "Afraid" by J.A. Konrath
Though I've followed Konrath's blog for
about a year, Afraid is the first book by him that I've read.
It didn't hurt that it was free. Anyway, Afraid is a story
about a town under siege by a handful of augmented and utterly
psychotic super-soldiers. The pace is fast, the characters are
believable enough, and it held my attention. Caveat: The gore is over
the top (if you don't like graphic descriptions of violence, just
move on), and the death count is enormous. Suspend
your disbelief (super-intelligent monkey, anyone?) and don't bother
looking for a hidden message. Subtle, it ain't.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
"Addicted" Part 2: Sibling Rivalry
instinctively brought the gun up to fire, but it took him about one
second to realize he was a half-second too slow. He got one off; it
might have been a hit, but his big brother charged right through it
and tackled Cade so hard he though he might pass out. The gun flew
off into a bush as Matt landed on top with crushing force.
was a calm, disciplined fighter, and his brother never became
anything but a brawler. He wrestled with his brother, intending to
subdue him, smack him across the face a few times, and find out what
he was on to make him go crazy like this. He quickly gained
the advantage, pinned the good arm, and thought it might be over. But
Matt strained with the other arm, the one with the titanium shoulder,
and it made a sickening popping/grinding noise as he threw him off
like a bull throws its rider when it decides it has had enough.
Before Cade knew it, he was flying through the air, shocked at the
strength and disregard for pain he had just witnessed. That was
impossible. Last I knew he couldn’t even shoot a basketball, let
alone throw a 220-pound guy around with one arm. Then he hit the back
wall and crumpled to the ground, all thoughts gone.
they were growing up, they fought sometimes, as brothers, especially
two so close in age, like to do. They were always fairly
well-matched, and as adults often joked about their unbeaten record
against the other. Truth is, they always fought to a draw, because
neither one, in his heart, really wanted to win. They were brothers,
and that trumped whatever game or girl they felt was worth fighting
over at any given time during their fleeting adolescence.
time, Matt clearly wanted to win. Matt was pounding on his little
brother, not caring where the blows landed. He was repeating his
mantra of “Whereisshe? Whereisshe?” His voice grew more and more
hysterical with each repetition. Cade covered up as best he could,
but he was taking a lot of punishment. He heard his wife screaming
from the balcony and then run inside. He knew she was heading to him,
to help him, to save him. He wanted to scream at her to stay inside or run, but
he had no breath.
going to kill me, Cade thought. My brother’s going to beat me to
death, and then go after Liss, and I’ll never know why. He thought
he heard sirens off in the distance, but he couldn’t be sure. He
focused on the only thing he could: keeping Matt busy for as long as
possible. He took several brutal blows to his face, and he knew it
just wouldn’t be long enough.
a shattering of glass, and a terrifying growl. He had forgotten all
about Loki, but Loki had forgotten nothing. It had only been about
thirty seconds since Matt had first broken the picture window, and
Loki had been working his way through it. He launched himself, all
sixty pounds of him, at his master’s attacker with a fury Cade
always wondered about, but never thought he’d actually see. He tore
into whatever he could grab, and Matt moved off Cade.
boy, he thought as he fought unconsciousness. That’s my good boy.
Liss burst out of the house, carrying the aluminum baseball bat that
he stored under the bed for, well, for something like this, he
guessed. Matt threw Loki off and moved for her, but the dog was back
on him instantly. She swung, catching him square in the chest; he
staggered a bit from the blow, a dog was shredding his leg, and still
he moved for her.
clinging to life, Cade struggled to his feet. They didn’t abandon
me … least I can do...
swung again, but Matt moved in and punched her in the jaw, driving her
backwards. She collapsed, out cold. Matt grabbed the bat, and the
look in his eye was both vacant and homicidal at once. Cade could do
nothing but stumble to his unconscious wife and cover her up with his battered body.
He saw that his brother had raised the bat for the killing stroke.
Cade had just enough energy left to whisper, "Why,
shots rang out in quick succession. They weren’t police-issue
handguns. He wasn’t positive, but it sounded suspiciously like his
neighbor’s rifle, the reports echoing in his head as he slipped
into darkness.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
My first impressions of the "Zombies, Run!" app
Before you read my mini-review of the Zombies, Run! app, you should know two things:
1) People seem to think that I'm into zombies, but I have no idea why.
2) I'm carrying about forty extra pounds. Fifty if you want to bean asshole accurate.
So, because the universethinks I'm tilting the Earth's axis is helpful, it gave me this app.
In a nutshell, Zombies, Run! is part fitness app, part zombie audio drama, and all fun. A player will get the most out of this by running outside, but I gave it a test run on the elliptical. It goes a little something like this:
- Set playlist
- Start app
- Choose mission
- Insert headphones
- Assume the role of Runner 5
- Alternately move your ass to the beat, the instructions coming from Abel Township, and the melodic groans of zombies closing on you to eat your face.
In the initial mission, I was instructed to escape the wreckage of a downed helicopter, then make a side trip to the hospital to pick up supplies in order to earn passage into the Township, and finally make it to the town in one piece. Interspersed with the radio instructions were songs from my playlist (keep your songs short-ish unless you really like running). Along the way, I automatically picked up supplies like batteries, tinned food, and fresh tightie-whities, which I then distributed among Abel Township in a light "Sim City" mode. As a bonus, if you run longer than the mission length your music will continue to play and a couple of pirate radio DJ's will bust in here and there.
Even though I was on the elliptical, I was really engrossed in the narrative, and my pace actually increased when I was being chased by a horde. As a by-product, 30 minutes flew by. That's good, because the immediate goal here is to get back into reasonable shape so I can hit the road/trail, where I assume this app really shines. Outside and with the GPS turned on, not only will the app track your time and distance, but will enable "zombie chases," periods in which you need to increase your pace by approximately 20% for about a minute to escape a horde. If you get "caught" you'll have to drop some of your supplies to get away.
One thing that people may see as a drawback (which I definitely don't) is the price tag. At $7.99, the price is really steep ... for an app. I've seen some people who are outraged over having to spend so much, and I think those people are ridiculous. $8 for an app that makes exercise much more entertaining and tells a riveting story, to boot? BARGAIN. Having spent a half-hour with it, I think it's well worth that small investment, and I hate running.
The ultimate goal is to get ready for the Run For Your Lives race next year.
No idea where this notion that I have a zombie problem comes from.
Anyway, if you're looking for a great way to get motivated again, I wholeheartedly recommend Zombies, Run!
1) People seem to think that I'm into zombies, but I have no idea why.
2) I'm carrying about forty extra pounds. Fifty if you want to be
So, because the universe
In a nutshell, Zombies, Run! is part fitness app, part zombie audio drama, and all fun. A player will get the most out of this by running outside, but I gave it a test run on the elliptical. It goes a little something like this:
- Set playlist
- Start app
- Choose mission
- Insert headphones
- Assume the role of Runner 5
- Alternately move your ass to the beat, the instructions coming from Abel Township, and the melodic groans of zombies closing on you to eat your face.
In the initial mission, I was instructed to escape the wreckage of a downed helicopter, then make a side trip to the hospital to pick up supplies in order to earn passage into the Township, and finally make it to the town in one piece. Interspersed with the radio instructions were songs from my playlist (keep your songs short-ish unless you really like running). Along the way, I automatically picked up supplies like batteries, tinned food, and fresh tightie-whities, which I then distributed among Abel Township in a light "Sim City" mode. As a bonus, if you run longer than the mission length your music will continue to play and a couple of pirate radio DJ's will bust in here and there.
Even though I was on the elliptical, I was really engrossed in the narrative, and my pace actually increased when I was being chased by a horde. As a by-product, 30 minutes flew by. That's good, because the immediate goal here is to get back into reasonable shape so I can hit the road/trail, where I assume this app really shines. Outside and with the GPS turned on, not only will the app track your time and distance, but will enable "zombie chases," periods in which you need to increase your pace by approximately 20% for about a minute to escape a horde. If you get "caught" you'll have to drop some of your supplies to get away.
One thing that people may see as a drawback (which I definitely don't) is the price tag. At $7.99, the price is really steep ... for an app. I've seen some people who are outraged over having to spend so much, and I think those people are ridiculous. $8 for an app that makes exercise much more entertaining and tells a riveting story, to boot? BARGAIN. Having spent a half-hour with it, I think it's well worth that small investment, and I hate running.
The ultimate goal is to get ready for the Run For Your Lives race next year.
No idea where this notion that I have a zombie problem comes from.
Anyway, if you're looking for a great way to get motivated again, I wholeheartedly recommend Zombies, Run!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
"Addicted" Part 1: Bump in the Night
Here's the first installment of my web serial Addicted.
Cade Becker just survived a brutal attack at the hands of his big
brother. Now, on the mend and wracked with guilt, Cade decides to find
out for himself what could turn a good man into ... something else.
His search leads him from his suburban New York home to an abandoned
town full of horrors and beyond, his brother's last words "Where is
she?" still ringing in his ears.
barking brought Cade and Melissa Becker back to consciousness, if
only barely. The floodlights were on, meaning that something had
triggered the motion sensors.
mumbled something, and she responded with a sleepy groan. “Loki,
come on, buddy, shut up.” Expecting the dog to throttle back to
growling, as he always did when he wanted to bark but his owners most
decidedly wanted him to not bark, Cade drifted down, a few glorious
degrees closer to slumber.
uncharacteristically, continued to bark.
deer,” he said as he stared at the ceiling. “You need to do a
better job of marking your territory. Now shut up already!” Loki paid him
no mind, and barked louder than before.
owners know that a dog is like a baby in many respects, not the least
of which is that the dog owner learns to decipher his pet’s
different barks the way a parent can decipher a newborn’s cries.
After a while, he knows when a dog’s hungry, sees a squirrel, wants
to play…
when he knows something’s wrong.
bounced out of bed, instantly awake, and walked to the balcony doors.
The spotlights threw out a wide cone, but the back yard was large and
a great deal was lost to shadows. He absentmindedly scratched Loki,
his hackles raised, behind the ears. Still he barked, and that had
never happened before. Cade stared into the backyard intently,
concentrating on the fringe of the light, knowing that anything
within it would be noticeable.
small voice came to him. “What is it?”
babe. Go back to sl-“
his left, but exposed in the light, something made a beeline to the
back of the house. It was not a deer, unless they had learned to run
on their hind legs. Cade jumped back, and that’s when the pounding
started. Whatever it was didn’t care if it was seen or heard, only
that it got into the house.
the fuck?!?”
my God! What is it?”
bolted downstairs, making a vicious sound the whole way. He wanted to
tear whoever was trying to get in his house apart.
couldn’t agree more. He threw open the closet door, and fumbled in
the dark for the keypad he knew was there behind half a dozen suits
he never wore. “Call the cops.” They simultaneously punched in
numbers: she on her cellphone, he on his safe. The door swung open.
He pulled out the handgun, popped in a magazine, and hit the slide.
not...going outside. Wait for the police!”
grabbed the spare magazine and shoved it into his pajamas pocket as
he slid on his shoes. Now the attacker was screaming something that
may have been, “Where is she?” Over and over again…”Where is
pounding was moving all along the back wall of the house randomly, as
if the wannabe intruder was too far gone to notice that there was a
very large, very breakable plate glass window close by. He was hidden
from sight by the balcony, but Cade got the impression that the
intruder wouldn’t care if he had a neon sign on his back.
guy’s fucking crazy, honey. He’s in the light, he’s screaming,
he knows we have a dog in here, and he’s still trying to get in. He
could leave us and go next door, and I don’t want any dead
neighbors on my conscience. I’m not going after him unless I have
to … I’m not stupid … but I need to keep him in sight.” He gave
her a kiss. “I’ll be fine. Promise. Be sure to tell the cops what
I look like and that I’m armed.”
began speaking into the phone as he bounded down the stairs. Between
the pounding and the barking, he couldn’t even hear his own
footfalls on the wooden staircase, so he knew he didn’t have to
worry about losing the element of surprise. He opened a window in the
study and slid out as nimbly as his tired thirty-something-year-old body would
let him.
and familiarity with the land allowed him to sneak around the side of
the house quietly, not that it was necessary. He peered around the
corner. Sure enough, the madman (he was sure it was a man, now) was
running back and forth along the back wall, hitting whatever happened
to be in front of him. Cade could hear Loki matching the man pace for
pace inside the house, his snout undoubtedly only a few inches from his prey.
I should have just let him out, instead. Where are the goddamn cops?
to his vow to not be stupid, Cade only watched. Something about the
way the man moved reminded him of someone he knew. What bothered
him was the way the man was pounding. His left arm was moving
normally, but his right never got raised above shoulder level. Almost
as if he had an injury … or an artificial shoulder.
then, by design or accident, he found the window. It cracked, then
woke him up. Melissa was in real danger now, so he yelled, “Hey,
asshole!” and moved around to the back to get a clear shot. The man
turned, and it all fell into place.
thought of the man screaming, “Where is she?” He knew that
panicked voice. He had heard it for the first time when he was a
young boy, lost in the woods during an ambitious game of Hide and
Seek. “Game’s over, Cade! Where are you? Where are you?” He
remembered thinking how mad Mom was going to be when his big brother
couldn’t find him, and how funny that would be.
Matt Becker charged, covering the distance too fast, way too fast.
Hiatus. Over.
Now that I'm back, I'm going to switch things up a bit. I'm still going to bring you snarky, mostly original posts here and there, but I'm also going to attempt to serve as a bit of an aggregator. If I find a writing-related post interesting, I'll slap a sample and a link on here for your perusal.
Oh, and I'm going to relaunch "Addicted," a web serial thriller that I started over 5 years ago. Each installment is typically in the 1200-1500 word range, and I intend to release one per week, at least for now. I may release them more quickly at some point, but that depends on how fast I write them. I have over a dozen installments ready to go; the first one is coming up next.
Due to its format, it's fast, furious, and mostly fat-free. I hope you enjoy it.
Now that I'm back, I'm going to switch things up a bit. I'm still going to bring you snarky, mostly original posts here and there, but I'm also going to attempt to serve as a bit of an aggregator. If I find a writing-related post interesting, I'll slap a sample and a link on here for your perusal.
Oh, and I'm going to relaunch "Addicted," a web serial thriller that I started over 5 years ago. Each installment is typically in the 1200-1500 word range, and I intend to release one per week, at least for now. I may release them more quickly at some point, but that depends on how fast I write them. I have over a dozen installments ready to go; the first one is coming up next.
Due to its format, it's fast, furious, and mostly fat-free. I hope you enjoy it.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
"Death by Chocolate" author Julie A. Lindsey stops by!
Now that I've prettied the place up a bit, allow me to introduce you to author and Twitter goddess Julie A. Lindsey. Her upbeat attitude and love of cheesy 90's music are only two of the many reasons why she has achieved elite "have Tweets sent to Dan's phone" status.
In Julie's own words:
"I’m a gear switcher. I think I have undiagnosed Adult ADHD. I can’t pick a genre like your fearless horror loving blog host, so I just keep writing random stories. It’s an illness. I can’t be blamed. In February I went all swoony on everyone promoting some sweet romance novellas for example, while today I’m here to tell you about Death by Chocolate, my debut novel wherein a nice lady kills people with her gourmet muffins. See what I mean? I’m a mess. But, a smiley mess. I brought along a book trailer, and an excerpt. I hope they make someone smile or at least make you pass by the next bake sale you come to. You never know."
If Julie offers to bake for you, run.
Stalk Julie at:
Musings from the Slush Pile
Ruby Russell has reached her limit. When she discovers her hipster husband has a dirty little secret, she whips him up a Viagra-infused-chocolate mousse punishment, but in the morning, her husband's a stiff. Armed with a lifetime of crime show reruns and Arsenic and Old Lace on DVD, Ruby and her best friend Charlotte try to lay low until after Ruby's son's wedding, but a nosy therapist, meddling minister and local news reporter are making it very difficult to get away with murder.
Charlotte threw the bag over one shoulder and wrapped her free arm around Ruby’s slumping shoulders. “What happened to you?” Her kind voice replete with indignation. Ruby knew that voice well. She’d often thought Charlotte could command armies when she was in that disposition. The fierceness of the tone made Ruby feel safe. Unfortunately for Charlotte, the security overwhelmed her and the tears ran anew.
She dug into Ruby’s purse for her keys and let them inside. Charlotte went to the kitchen while Ruby lay down on the couch. In a minute, Charlotte returned with some pills and a cool, wet cloth.
“Take your time.” She headed back to the kitchen. “I’ll get the coffee going.”
“No.” Ruby waved one arm from under the cold white cloth. She’d managed to spread it over her face like a mask and held it in place with the other hand. “Wine, please. I’d like wine. It’s in the cupboard.”
“Fine, but I don’t condone it.”
Ruby heard the cupboard door click shut.
“Ruby Russell!” Charlotte exclaimed. Ruby jumped three inches.
“Ohhh.” She groaned. She listened to Charlotte’s footsteps moving heavily toward her.
“What is this?”
Ruby pulled a corner of the cloth back to see what she was being accused of. Charlotte held a freezer bag full of pills in front of her. “Oh.” She recovered her face and motioned Charlotte back to get her wine. “Those are my pills from Dr. Kessler.”
“Does he deal on the street now? No need for a pharmacy? You just hold out your hands or an empty sack and he pours them in? Don’t you lie to me, Ruby Russell!” She slammed the bag hard against the coffee table.
“Hey!” Ruby shouted. “You’re the one who told me if I was going to take medication I should see the doctor. Well, I do and he gives me prescriptions and I don’t take them. After thirty days, I dump them in there and get my refill.”
Charlotte looked like she’d been goosed. Her eyes sought answers from the giant bag of pills. She pushed the bag aside and sat on the little table with them. “Once more please.”
Ruby huffed and sat upright. The act took more energy than she’d planned to expend before enjoying a glass of wine. She eyed Charlotte. There would be no wine without clarification.
“Dr. Kessler wants to see me every week.” She spoke to Charlotte as if she were six years old or perhaps in possession of a very low I.Q. “He wants me to tell him I’m taking my medication and I’m doing well on it. So, I do. It’s part of the charade.” Ruby rolled her eyes and Charlotte visibly relaxed.
“Why not actually take the medication?”
“Because I. Am. Fine.” Ruby shot up onto her feet and marched into the kitchen to pour her own wine.
“Why keep them? Street value?” Charlotte followed close behind Ruby into the kitchen.
“Street value?” Ruby yanked a glass from the drying rack. “Do I look like a pimp to you?” Ruby poured a glass of wine and rolled it against her forehead under her neatly sculpted blond bangs. Her cream blouse and pearl buttons perfectly aligned with her brown pencil skirt.
“No. You don’t look like a pimp.” Charlotte smirked.
“What?” Ruby’s shoulders attacked her ears. “What?”
“It’s nothing. Never mind. Why not take the pills?”
“I’d rather drink.” She cashed the first glass and returned it to the counter for a refill. “I can’t drink and take the pills.” She held up the bottle on the counter. “I’d rather drink.”
“Then throw them out. Can you imagine if someone came and found them? What are you keeping them for?”
“I may need them sometime.”
Charlotte nodded. That made sense. It paid to be prepared. Life could be messy.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Stuff I Wish I Wrote: "It's All in a State of Mind"
If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don’t,
If you like to win, but you think you can’t,
It’s almost a “cinch” you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost,
For out in the world you find
Success begins with a fellow’s will;
It’s all in the state of mind.
Full many a race is lost
Ere ever a step is run;
And many a coward fails
Ere ever his work’s begun.
Think big and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you’ll fall behind,
Think that you can and you will;
It’s all in the state of mind.
If you think you’re outclassed, you are,
You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later, the man who wins,
Is the fellow who thinks he can.
-Walter D. Wintle
If you think you dare not, you don’t,
If you like to win, but you think you can’t,
It’s almost a “cinch” you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost,
For out in the world you find
Success begins with a fellow’s will;
It’s all in the state of mind.
Full many a race is lost
Ere ever a step is run;
And many a coward fails
Ere ever his work’s begun.
Think big and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you’ll fall behind,
Think that you can and you will;
It’s all in the state of mind.
If you think you’re outclassed, you are,
You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later, the man who wins,
Is the fellow who thinks he can.
-Walter D. Wintle
Saturday, March 24, 2012
The 11-Year-Old Cigar
On 13January2001, I got married. On 14January2001, I realized that everybody had gotten one of the cigars that I'd bought to celebrate the occasion ... everybody but me. Oh, the tragedy that is my life.
About a year ago, I was cleaning out a back room, and I found my wife's honeymoon purse. I looked inside and saw a familiar metal tube. As it turns out, my wife thought to put one aside for the cruise. Yes, very thoughtful. Unfortunately, we were so busy funning it up that she forgot all about it.
I pulled it out of the tube and inspected it. The construction was still good, but it was incredibly brittle due to its absolute lack of moisture. If you don't know anything about cigars, they'll keep pretty much indefinitely if you store them in a good humidor at the right temperature and humidity; outside of those conditions, however, you're asking for trouble.
Being a guy with a good humidor, I figured that I had nothing to lose, and popped it in. I'd heard the occasional tale of cigars "coming back to life" after years of neglect, so why not?
You're probably wondering what this has to do with you, the writer.
About a year ago, I was cleaning out a back room, and I found my wife's honeymoon purse. I looked inside and saw a familiar metal tube. As it turns out, my wife thought to put one aside for the cruise. Yes, very thoughtful. Unfortunately, we were so busy funning it up that she forgot all about it.
I pulled it out of the tube and inspected it. The construction was still good, but it was incredibly brittle due to its absolute lack of moisture. If you don't know anything about cigars, they'll keep pretty much indefinitely if you store them in a good humidor at the right temperature and humidity; outside of those conditions, however, you're asking for trouble.
Being a guy with a good humidor, I figured that I had nothing to lose, and popped it in. I'd heard the occasional tale of cigars "coming back to life" after years of neglect, so why not?
You're probably wondering what this has to do with you, the writer.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Self-pub v. traditional: What gives you the better chance for success?
A little background here. I was roaming on Twitter, and I ran across a random Tweet about the self-pub Spartacus himself, JA Konrath (if you self-pub and ever question that decision, read his blog). An agent said that she disagrees with Konrath's contention that self-pub gives most writers, especially new ones, the best chance for success. I responded, but was willing to just agree to disagree.
Then I ran across a response to her from some twit agent (name withheld, for now) who said: "Self-pub can work. So can digging random holes in the hopes of finding pirate gold. It's *possible." Ha, I see what you did there.
I replied, "Just out of curiosity, how is that any different from attempting to go the traditional publishing route?"
Seems like a pretty simple question, no?
Then I ran across a response to her from some twit agent (name withheld, for now) who said: "Self-pub can work. So can digging random holes in the hopes of finding pirate gold. It's *possible." Ha, I see what you did there.
I replied, "Just out of curiosity, how is that any different from attempting to go the traditional publishing route?"
Seems like a pretty simple question, no?
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Win a free copy of "Orpheus" and "Odinsons"!
The Masquerade Crew and a slew of other fine people are helping me give away ebooks of Orpheus and Odinsons. Read on to see how to enter!
Add your blog below to help us with this give away.
1. | Stacy Juba | |
2. | Writer Lana | |
3. | The Masquerade Crew | |
4. | Lisa Ladrido | |
5. | MyFantaseas | |
6. | First Time Novelist | |
7. | W.H. Cann | |
8. | The Overnight Bestseller | |
9. | A Few More Pages | |
10. | Nikki McCormack | |
11. | mrsmomx6 |
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Saturday, January 7, 2012
2011: My first self-publishing year by the numbers.
I think that 2011 was a pretty good debut for me as a self-published author. Some non- to semi-interesting stats:
0: books sold to agents
0: coincidentally, the number of agents I queried
0: number of close friends or family members I solicited for a review
0: zombie kills, alas
>0: people I can legitimately call "fans" at this point
>0: fans I secretly want to refer to as "DeWittnesses"
1: book available on Createspace
1: each of a zombie thriller, a Norse mythology adventure, and a short story collection self-published
0: books sold to agents
0: coincidentally, the number of agents I queried
0: number of close friends or family members I solicited for a review
0: zombie kills, alas
>0: people I can legitimately call "fans" at this point
>0: fans I secretly want to refer to as "DeWittnesses"
1: book available on Createspace
1: each of a zombie thriller, a Norse mythology adventure, and a short story collection self-published
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